Date Night Ideas For Parents

Romantic Revival: How To Make Date Nights More Romantic Than Ever

Maintaining a romantic spark can be challenging with all the hustle of parenting. From the moment we wake up to the bedtime routines of our little ones, there's often scarcely a minute to ourselves, let alone for each other. As a parent, its often hard to find even 20 minutes in our day, let alone enough time to squeeze in the much needed time with your partner.

That's why date nights are something we cherish and truly push for every month. It’s something that has helped us get that spark back and reconnect on a deeper level. A thoughtful or spontaneous date night can reignite that pre-parenting magic and provide a well-deserved break from our day-to-day routines. For us, it takes a lot of discipline to make them happen, and though being mom and dad is the best title in the world, we are more than just parents.

We’ve found that a little creativity goes a long way when it comes to planning a romantic evening. Dining at home can transform into an experience with the right recipe and mood. They aren’t always outrageous and don’t need to break the bank, but the effort and quality time is what we all really want and focus on.

For those who enjoy the outdoors, a simple starry night picnic can feel like an escape from the world. It's all about carving out that intimate space where we can focus on each other, share laughter over a board game, or learn something new together, with your partner or spouse by your side. Reminiscing on what life was like before the kids. We know we can’t and don’t want to go back to those times, but it’s where we want to bring those memories to our current life. And honestly, we’ve found that this new flame is way more intimate than before.

Key Takeaways

  • Creative planning can turn ordinary moments into cherished memories.

  • A romantic atmosphere at home might just be the solution.

  • Pick shared interests or creating new hobbies together can be just the spark you need.

Setting the Scene

Creating the perfect romantic atmosphere at home is all about attention to detail. We'll guide you through some simple, easy ideas with lighting, music, and arranging your dining space to transform an ordinary night into a special more memorable.

Ambient Lighting

This one can be simple, but going the extra mile to make the environment more romantic can be a great idea. We like to dim the overhead lights and scatter a mix of candles (try lanterns, too!) around the room.

Using softer, warmer bulbs can also add to the inviting glow. For a magical touch, you could try a string of fairy lights bringing that extra sparkle to the evening without overwhelming your home. Getting creative and using places like Amazon to get different string lights that are easy to use & re-use and Pinterest for ideas, that are relatively easy to put up and down is definitely a great place to start.

Music Selection

Before our date night - either together or one of us, for a little surprise, will create a special playlist for the night. Our only advice is to have fun with this! You can keep the same one or change it up for who is in charge. Think about setting the mood you want for the night. You could keep it light and fun, or romantic with adding your wedding song, or if you’re in the mood, create that sexy time playlist- we all know certain songs that step it up, ya know?

Something fun we’ve done is found different renditions, jazz to acoustic, of our favorite songs and anything in-between. Keep it low for easy conversation and if your night leads you to turn it up, just turn it up!

Table Arrangement

When one of us sets the table, it's more than just placing utensils; it's creating an experience. We prefer an uncluttered surface with a centerpiece of your choice– perhaps a low arrangement of flowers, champagne on ice or a small lantern for decor. We want to make sure that we can see each other and truly enjoy each others company.

We include the little things such as the napkins folded neatly, the glasses are wiped and sparkle, and a comfortable seating arrangement is there to encourage an intimate dinner for two. It’s the small little details that your spouse is going to notice. Even if it isn’t normally “your thing”, these small details truly make eating dinner feel like fine dining at home.

Dining In

Themed Dinner Ideas

If dinner at home seems too ordinary, try and be creative by doing things like themed dinners; it adds an extra layer of fun and creativity to the evening. For example, I love Mediterranean so my wife chose to have a Mediterranean night where we started off with an appetizer of hummus, tabbouleh, and warm pita bread. Then for dinner she made grilled chicken koftas. We found a divine recipe that includes cumin, red pepper flakes, and turmeric for an authentic touch. But whatever you do, don’t limit yourself here! The options are endless with a little creativity and effort.

Cooking Together

The idea of cooking together is both romantic and can be a lot of fun. We enjoy tackling this together and making it part of the experience - although I have to admit my wife is a much better cook and there are times where she just wants me out, but she is a good sport. Our goal is to keep it light and enjoy the moment. Plus, cooking together gives us a chance to bond and share stories from our day, turning cooking into a fun part of our date night and not just something we have to do.

Something fun we did years ago when we first for together was an at-home date where we baked a pie with one of us blind folded (the better cook) and the other one guiding them (the not-so-good cook). It was remarkable- we smiled and cried from laughing so hard. Truly was one of our favorite dates.

Relaxing Activities

Movie Night Picks

When planning a Movie Night, our go-to is choosing films that make us laugh and bring us comfort. Here are a few selections that always work for us:

  • Romantic Classics: Classic Films like "The Ghost And Mrs. Muir" or or something like "Dirty Dancing" capture the essence of love across different eras.

  • Modern Love Stories: we find "La La Land" and "Holidate" to bring a fresh and fun perspective to love.

  • Comedies: A good laugh is the best way to end the day so movies like "The Other Guys" and "Happy Gilmore" are high on our list.

For this, the best part, is you can always throw curve balls and movies that you just enjoy. We’ll throw in some like “Couples Retreat” when we just need a good laugh. Fun fact, my wife can quote almost every line to this movie- she has about three movies that she quotes lol.

Couple's Spa at Home

Creating a Couple's Spa at Home is simpler than it might seem and just the date night your wife would love. Here's our recipe for a soothing evening:

  1. Set the Atmosphere: Dim the lights and play some soft, relaxing music. Lighting a few scented candles to really enhance the mood.

  2. Spa Treatments: Offer each other massages with oils or a homemade body scrubs. Including a foot soak with Epsom salts can be particularly relaxing and a good way to step up your date game.

Outdoor Escapes

Stargazing Spots

Finding the right stargazing spot is like picking out the perfect gift; it requires thought and a bit of creativity. We look for locations away from city lights so we can get the best wow factor when looking at the stars.

If you can, bringing a telescope or downloading an astronomy app on a phone can help navigate the constellations.

Backyard Picnic

For a more relaxed, quick evening, we set up a picnic right in our backyard or the park down the street. Bring everything out that you need and act like you don’t have the ability to go back inside until you are done. Bring out a basket filled with favorites like a selection of cheeses paired with a wine or something homemade that is easy to eat.

We’ve done foods such as sandwiches, salads, yogurt parfaits, and even strawberry shortcakes with some champagne.

Personal Touch

Personality and bringing your personal touch on any thing you choose is what is going to make these moments so special.

Memory Lane

For a walk down Memory Lane, think about those places and things you used to do when you dated. For us, the first time we meet back up in the beginning was going to small local coffee shops. We love going back to the places where it all first began remembering all of those amazing times that we began to rekindle.

By returning to these locations, we find that we can reconnect with those early emotions and remember why we cherish our journey together.

DIY Gifts

DIY Gifts are another heartfelt way to add a personal element to a date night.

It could be a handmade photo album filled with pictures of our time together or a custom playlist of songs that soundtrack our relationship. These gifts require time and thought, reflecting a deeper level of care and commitment to our connection.

Engaging Games

Playing games together can transform at-home date nights. We find it's a fantastic way to have fun, challenge each other, and engage in a bit of healthy competition - we both are very competitive and don’t hold back.

Board Games

We love discovering new board games. On our at-home date nights, setting up a classic game like Monopoly or Dominos always brings us hours of enjoyment.

Some of our favorites are:

  • Skip Bo

  • Life

  • Pictionary (for a cooperative twist)

  • Guess Who

Puzzle Challenges

Sometimes, for us, it isn’t all about the conversation, but just spending that time together. For nights like those, we like tackling a 1000-piece puzzle because it can be quite meditative.

We set up the puzzle on our dining table, pour some wine, and enjoy hours of connection. For a fun twist, we've even tried timed challenges to see how much we can complete in an hour. So call those grandparents and drop the kiddos off or start this night one the little ones are asleep.

Consider puzzles with themes that interest both of you such as famous artworks, scenic landscapes or movies. Or for a fun spin, each of you pick one out and surprise the other- I recommend something funny!

Learning Together

Dance Lessons

Dance lessons are a great idea! Whether it's salsa, ballroom, or swing, each style has its charm and challenges. Dance lessons weren’t something we did before our wedding, and I’ll admit. It was actually a good time learning something new together.

We recommend checking out options from a local dance studio or seeking out online dance tutorials for a more private setting. Youtube University is a great place to start if you don’t have the confidence or time.

Just a reminder, it's not about nailing the steps; it's about moving together and embracing one another. So don’t hold too much weight in doing it right!

Arts & Craft Projects

An arts or craft project lets couples tap into their creative sides. Even if one of you is better than the other, or neither of you are good at it… this is an unexpected night of fun! It could be as simple as a DIY painting night or as engaging as making pottery. We saw an affordable idea online where you paint portraits of one another over your drink of choice, then reveal them to each other. Head to the Dollar Tree for your art supplie and the market for your drinks, then voila! A date night for the books!

Sharing colors, ideas, and even playful critiques emboldens our bond and our mantlepiece displays - don’t worry if it’s not a work of art - there have been a number that have ended up being thrown away, but the memories are there.

Adventure at Home

Indoor Camping

We love transforming our living room into our own little cozy campsite.

It's so easy and simple: just grab your softest blankets and build a fort. Inside, pillows and twinkle lights set the perfect mood.

Sometimes, we even prepare a little indoor s’mores station using a small, safe flame or one of those electric ones on Amazon that don’t need a flame. It's a fun twist on traditional camping and something memorable.

DIY Wine Tasting

For a touch of sophistication to our night in, sometimes we plan a DIY wine tasting. Here's how we do it:




Select a variety of wines from different regions- or just choose the best labels at the market


Prepare a platter of cheeses, crackers, and fruits.


Set the scene with a playlist of your choice

The key here to bring wine tasting to life is to take notes on our favorites so we can reminisce about our mini-adventure.

For extra inspiration, I check out these guides from Adventures from Scratch to make it more interactive.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are some creative date night ideas for parents needing a cozy evening in?

We love transforming my living room into a mini cinema for movie nights with a twist—think themed decorations and snacks.

Having a picnic indoors is also a fun and easy way to create a unique atmosphere without leaving the house.

How can parents keep date night interesting after the kids have gone to bed?

Mixing it up is key.

One night might be a gourmet cooking challenge at home, and another could be solving a murder mystery game.

Keeping things varied maintains the excitement.

Can you suggest some relaxing date night strategies for exhausted parents?


An at-home spa night can be quite rejuvenating.

Think facial masks, massages, and a bubble bath—all done at a gentle pace to unwind and connect with each other without exerting too much energy.

What tips do you have for parents looking to maintain romance with limited alone time?

Our tip here would be to seize the small moments.

Enjoy a coffee together while the kids are occupied, or share intimate conversations during a short walk. It’s about valuing quality over quantity.

How can parents with busy schedules sneak in a spontaneous date night at home?

Keep a “date night idea jar” with different activities written on slips of paper.

When an unexpected free moment arises, draw one and dive in.

It could be anything from an indoor picnic to a game night—it’s spontaneity that often brings the most laughter and connection.